Top headlines for blogposts from Ushuaia

We have no words.  We’ve made it to Ushuaia and Ushuaia and we are now here in Ushuaia. Though our words are lacking, here are some headlines:

* Muesli tastes better in Ushuaia
* Conversations with neighbourhood dogs. “Hablo, no tocas.” (I talk, you don’t touch).
* Jetlag: 4. Be and Kelsey: O — “I gotta take a break!” (In supermarket, Main Street, camping shop, up big hill). 
* Where’s Be’s bag??
   Ah, Sydney. 
* We’re cycling out of this continent!
* Ushuaia supermarket... see you in two hours
* my google’s gone to spanish! 
* where is Be’s bag? 
Ah, Chile! 
* where is Be’s bag? 

¿Y tu?
